Pilates for a Lifetime

Ann Middleton Blog

Joseph Pilates was a man before his time. A visionary, he realized the importance of mind-body fitness and wished to introduce it to the world. It took years for the idea to catch on, but today, a growing number of people realize the benefits of practicing Pilates and have become dedicated followers of the Pilates principles. I am fortunate to …

Taking The Time

Emily Floyd Blog

My GYROTONIC® Expansion Training Experience in New York “The ultimate aim is to be at home in one’s body, to be at one with the nature of oneself, and to experience exercise as a creative and delightful experience.” – JULIU HORVATH In a world that pushes us to our limits and holds us to them, how wonderful is it to …

The Gluten Free Obsession

Body Balance Institute Blog

By: Karen Chaska (UNF Dietetic MS Student) If you have been to a grocery store, restaurant, or have had a conversation with just about anyone in the past year, you have probably noticed the increased popularity in “gluten free” foods or diets. So what is this gluten that everyone is trying to avoid? Gluten is made up of two proteins …

Bodhi Suspension Training

Carrie Walters Blog

Falling for Bodhi One day I was glancing up at the studio TV and a particular YouTube video caught my eye. Imagine seeing an elegant configuration of ceiling anchors, ropes, handles and foot loops that provide 4 independent points of suspension. Now imagine seeing someone utilize this suspension system to move his or her body through a series of movements …

Oov Workshop Experience

Kristen Sullivan Blog

A weekend in March of this year, I attended the Oov workshop with inventor Daniel Vladata from Australia. The workshop was held at Synergy Pilates studio located in San Marco. I had heard little bits and pieces about this new Oov and was curious what the hype was about. I had never even been on the Oov before I took …

Sweden Bound

Erin Johnson Blog

I read an article a while back by one of my teachers, Damo Mitchell, that continues to inspire and intrigue me. He entitled it “Investing in Loss”. In it he speaks about building a strong foundation by adhering to internal principles that would cause him to seemingly “lose” in the moment but would only benefit him and his goals for …

Anatomy in 3D!

Cheryl Forehand Blog

Body Balance Institute is a host training site for Balanced Body, the largest Pilates education and equipment company in the world. Last year I began my journey to became a master trainer and faculty member for Balanced Body. I began with Anatomy in 3 Dimensions where we use clay to shape muscles and place them onto a skeleton model building …

Countdown to the THE PLAYERS!

Body Balance Institute Blog

Who doesn’t love a good countdown? In school, it was a countdown to spring break. In class, you might be grateful to hear your instructor say “last two.” This time of year the beaches are on countdown to THE PLAYERS at Sawgrass. As of writing this blog, we are a mere 36 days away from tee off! For us at …

Fashion Week

Vicki Sullivan Blog

Body Balance Institute hosts Jacksonville Fashion Week’s 2nd Annual Runway Model Workshop, 2013 Saturday Feb 9, 2013. The turnout and the girls and guys who showed up for the runway workshop were awesome. Yoanna shared her valuable insight on the modeling industry- giving everyone advice on what does and doesn’t work. Matthew David, runway coordinator for fashion week, and Yoanna …